Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Baños - Las Piscinas (the pools)

At 7pm, I called my friend up to see if we could go to Las Piscinas (the natural hot spring pools). Before I knew it there were 2 others going. We put together enough money to get a bus and BARELY enough money for the entrance fee (I haven't been this broke since middle school). Before I knew it the whole family of one of my friends was coming too! Last minute things are the best. We only had about an hour and a half to swim before it closed but it was worth it. I love these people.

La Anita and el Juanito

La Anita and la Sarita :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

5 Day Kids Club

I helped every morning this week with the kids club at Andres and Katty's children's minstry (the same ministry that I usually help with on Saturday mornings for neighborhood kids. This week was every morning kind of like a vacation Bible school). The kids learned about the GOSPEL! My job was to teach the memory verse and sometimes the games.

"ALPHA" Dinner

ALPHA is a new ministry that is beginning at 608 church. There was a dinner at a fancy country club place to promote the new ministry. The meal was very fancy and lots of my friends from church were there.

One of my favorite places to be

My little friend, Daniel, turned 14 last week. We had a "party" for him (just his relatives and me). His family is very big with several little kids (who love me, haha). We stuck matches in a piece of bread for his cake and I made cookies. I will miss this family.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

El Chorro

In front of the waterfall on a very slippery overlook...with lots of wind haha

El Chorro!

Me with my friend, Sara. My friends have named me "Sara Conner" (from the movie The Terminator) so that is what they call me :)

My friends from 608 invited me to Yunguilla on Sunday. They also "invited" me to eat (which means that they paid for me) Shrimp Ceviche!...the first time eating ceviche:) We went to the waterfall, El Chorro, which was beautiful and then we played soccer until it was too dark to see.

The whole gang.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday Kids Club

I help with the Kids Club on Saturdays with some people from the church 608. The kids come from the neighborhood and not from the church. Here are some pictures of the Bible story time. One of my favorite things about this club is that the children are taught about the Bible - knowing the books and where to find them, and how to read it themselves and how it applies to their own lives. Reading the Bible and having a personal relationship with God is a new concept because of the Catholic culture....How sad that people think God is a religion!

The Cathedral


Thursday, July 28, 2011

English Club

My English students! I have been teaching these kids for the past 3 Thursdays. Because of the school vacation, the English classes are also taking a summer break til September because of low attendance. I loooved teaching these kids and I will miss them! They are so smart!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Unsion Television

Unsion Television is the number one TV station in Cuenca! It is run by Bill McDonald who is the pastor of the church that I attend, called 6:08. It is a secular station with all kinds of shows, such as, cooking, kids, sports, news, family, medical etc. Christian values are openly put into the shows and commercials. The station will soon be televised in Guayaquil and Quito!
I have been "helping" at the station (more like I tag along and they make me feel like I'm being helpful and that my ideas are really great...when they have probably already thought about them :) I have been helping them come up with ideas for a new children's program and with anything else they need help with.

The photographer wanted a picture with ME!

I helped them with a clip/commercial for the show Un Buen Consejo. We came up with different outfits and changed his clothes for each shot (different themes such as athletic, business man, hippie, etc.).

It was so fun!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Colonia Vacasional final program

Sorry this is side ways...I just think this girl is so cute!

Colonia Vacasional

This week, I have been busy helping with the Colonia Vacasional (kinda like Vacation Bible School) at the Fundacion CLIF. I have been going in at 9am every day to clean/answer the phone in the morning and then having the kids club in the afternoon til 5:30! It has been a long week but fun to be with the kids. This is the last time I will see the kids from the Fundacion because they are now on their summer break til September :(

The older boys. I will miss them :(

Ximena and I

The team that came to help with the Colonia Vacasional (some from Guayaquil, some from Georgia!)

Puppet show for the kids...very funny.

It was loud for her :)

Monday, July 11, 2011


My friend, Pablo, took me to Sucúa, which is a small town in the Amazon jungle. It took 8 hours in a bus to get there! I was able to spend 2 full days in the town with his friends and family, shopping in the town, playing soccer and swimming (in a pool...not the river :) We also went fishing and wading/hiking along the river in the jungle...but didn't catch anything! (No piranhas, thank goodness!)

A man gave us directions with a machete

Hiking. My flip flops broke while wading in the rocky river...so I hiked barefoot in the Amazon jungle :)

Only one ant bit me :)

Awesome kids!!! I wish I could have spent more time to get to know them!

Pablo's birthday party with his friends and family in Sucúa.

First motorcycle ride!