Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kids make me laugh

Here are some funny things the children at La Fundacion Clif have said to me:

"Why is your hair white? Why is your skin white? Is everyone in the United States like that?"

"What are the United States like? there ice cream?"

"Where is your mom? ...Whats her name? ...Does she have a husband?" (I thought that question was interesting/sad)

One little boy would say "Oyga! Oyga!" (which means "listen") to get my attention when he needed help with his home work. The other children would all say in unison, "Her name isn't Oyga...Its SARA!"

One little girl, when erasing an incorrect math problem or incorrect spelling, says "Adios, nice to know you" to what she's erasing. When writing the correct word or letter she says, "Hola, its nice to meet you!"

Pray for these kids, that they will know how much Jesus loves them.

1 comment:

  1. I like how the one girl sees her words as "visitors" so-to-speak that can almost know they are coming and going. That girl seems really creative. What a great group!
