Monday, July 11, 2011


My friend, Pablo, took me to Sucúa, which is a small town in the Amazon jungle. It took 8 hours in a bus to get there! I was able to spend 2 full days in the town with his friends and family, shopping in the town, playing soccer and swimming (in a pool...not the river :) We also went fishing and wading/hiking along the river in the jungle...but didn't catch anything! (No piranhas, thank goodness!)

A man gave us directions with a machete

Hiking. My flip flops broke while wading in the rocky I hiked barefoot in the Amazon jungle :)

Only one ant bit me :)

Awesome kids!!! I wish I could have spent more time to get to know them!

Pablo's birthday party with his friends and family in Sucúa.

First motorcycle ride!


  1. Que celos tengo!!!! De todo... de la moto, de tus chanclas rotas, de la selva, del rio, y de viajando con Pablo!!! Que Dios siga bendiciendote amiga.

  2. Awesome!!!! Looks like you are having a great time full of amazing experiences!

  3. Looks like you might catch some of those big Amazon bugs for dinner while riding on that motorcycle... Glad it's so fun! Christ's blessings come in many ways.
